Inter-Service Transfer (IST) Requests
Service Members form the Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard, and reserve components of the Army are authorized to attend Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS).
In order for a member of the above services to attend the course, they must contact their nearest
Special Forces Recruiter
In addition to the complete SFAS Volunteer Packet, IST Requests require an approved DD Form 368 Conditional Release signed by an ARSOF recruiter, and approved by the Service Member's discharge authority as found below:
US Marine Corps (USMC) - Manpower Management
US Navy BUPERS – Bureau of Navy Personnel
US Air Force – AFPC – Air Force Personnel Center
Army National Guard – OTAG – Office of the Adjutant General
Army Reserve – First General Officer in Chain of Command
IST members will
not be allowed to attend SFAS without a completed DD Form 368 signed by the appropriate authority. Unit commanders are not authorized to sign DD Form 368s.